Welcome to Rails Network!

Buy SteamX using CrossRails!

Trade any token from ETH, BSC, or BASE to STEAMX on Rails Network with a single click!

EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)
EVM Compatible Blockchain Solution Powered by Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA)

The Road So Far

Our Journey Since 2021

Steam Exchange Inc began their journey in 2021 with a clear vision and ambitious goals. We set out to:

  • Create a hybrid CEX/DEX ecosystem
  • Register as a MSB/FINTRAC compliant organization
  • Work with top universities to identify paths to WEB3 adoption - University of Waterloo
  • Partner with like-minded teams to deliver seamless integrations across our ecosystem - Blockscout
  • Develop a proprietary Blockchain with a new consensus mechanism called Proof of Work by Authority (PoWbA) - Rails Network
  • Create a one-stop-shop for accessing all the tools within the Rails Network ecosystem - Rails: Depot
  • Establish a launchpad for innovative projects - Rails: Launchpad & Innovation Lab (Coming Soon)
  • Create a safe bridge for users to enter the Rails Network ecosystem - Rails: Bridge
  • Develop a decentralized exchange for trading within the Rails Network ecosystem - Rails: DEX
  • Create crosschain protocols for users to trade into the Rails Network ecosystem - Rails: CrossRails
  • Create experimental protocols for gamified staking and mining - Rails: Mobsters (Coming Soon)
  • Design a secure and user-friendly wallet - Rails: Wallet (Coming Soon)
  • Create a safer and more transparent ecosystem for our users

We are proud to announce that we have registered as an MSB/FINTRAC compliant organization, partnered with the best of the best, successfully launched our Chain, our DEX, our Bridge, our Depot, and our Cross-Chain protocols, achieving many of our major milestones. Our focus has now shifted to completing our Wallet and eventually launching our non-custodial CEX, bringing us closer to realizing our vision of a comprehensive and secure crypto ecosystem.

Plans for 2024

  • Complete Rails Network Launchpad
  • Launch pending projects onto Rails Network: Rails Name Service (RNS), and Digital Asset Marketplace (DAMNFT)
  • Host at least 3 seasons of Rails: Mobsters
  • Finish development on Rails Wallet
  • Redesign CEX from previous BETA to existing product performa
  • Close 2024 with multiple listings on CEX's, and a significant marketing push for the entire ecosystem

Our journey has been long and filled with invaluable experiences for everyone involved. As we look forward to the years ahead, we are committed to providing the holders who have accompanied us on this journey with tangible benefits when deemed appropriate, making our future together even more rewarding.